Tag Archives: sport

Yoga, Travel and Life Lessons

Recently I helped Contiki Travel with an interview on my thoughts on travel.  You can read the interview here, and see some travel advice I have for you!  But this really got me thinking about WHY I travel.

Throughout my career, I have become very lucky to be able to combine to of my passions: Yoga and Travel.  The best advice I can ever give someone is to travel.  Lots.  And everywhere you can.  Go somewhere you don’t know the language and travel to place without a plan.  Immerse yourself in cultures you’ve only heard about and experience things that you have only read in books.

Why Travel?  Because traveling shapes you into who you can become and introduces you into other worlds.  You can sit for hours watching this different life walk in front of you, unconsciously taking in the culture, experiences and manners within.  I watched myself grow up with each place that I visited…moving from Europe to Hawaii and stationing back in Southern California all while traveling to 20 different US states, Australia, Canada, South America and more.  Each town and country added to my own values and personal beliefs and I am happy to say that I will continue this travel addiction.  There’s so much more of the word to see.

Why Travel and do Yoga? Traveling through college, I spent most of my times sleeping on trains in Europe or dancing the night away at the local pubs.  Once I started to emerge myself in yoga and finding a daily practice, my two worlds of yoga and travel were pushed together as one.  Practicing yoga in a different place allows my body to react to change, be challenged to other perspectives and learn what the destination has taught me.  Yoga in another culture or place gives you a moment on your trip to reflect.  To express through movement what you are learning and gaining, while taking that serene silence to soak it all in.

So give it a chance.  Grab your passport, research yoga studios near by and try something new.  Just remember “it’s not the destination, it’s the journey”

Oakley Women take over Napa Valley…Part 2

I had the amazing opportunity to head back to Napa with the Oakley Women’s Perform Beautifully Contest.  Last year, I was so nervous and overwhelming with the inspiring women around me, it all seemed like such a blur.  After the most life changing year with Oakley Women‘s, I felt a whole new vibe as this year’s weekend festivities kicked off.  I was more confident and passionate about the brand that I was there to represent.  I was excited to share this passion with the new 10 brand ambassadors, and show them the healthy, fit, and fun ways of the Oakley lifestyle.  We got to run the 5K through the Trefethen Winery, bike our new Trek Bikes through 3 more wineries, hike and picnic in Bothe Napa Valley State Park as well as tour and watch a presentation at the Culinary Institute of America (the original C.I.A.).  We couldn’t of asked for better weather, and had even better times together!


New Asics NEON lightweight running shoes!Image

The new 10 ambassadors and a few of the original 10 getting ready for our 5K!ImageImage

Learning about the Rolling O lab from WeberImage

Is there really ever enough wine for 150 women?



And here’s the video from the weekend!

Thank you to everyone who worked SO hard to put this successful weekend together! 

Oakley Love!

Beach Running…Fun in the Sun or a “Wash-Out?

As summer starts and the sunshine starts to take over our attention spans, runners start to fill the streets, alleys and beach paths.  Those looking for a nice coat of UV rays and the feeling of running through nature knows how exciting it is when its “summer running weather“.

Spending the past three weekends on the beaches of Tahoe, Newport and Ocean Beach made us contemplate the benefits and dangers of running without shoes along the beach.  Here’s what we think:

1. BENEFIT: Sand in your toes.  There’s just no better feeling.

2. DANGER: Blisters on the bottom of your feet.  Sometimes you cannot gauge how hot the sand might be, or how coarse the sand is.  One thing we know, Southlake Tahoe sand is not sand.  Its a little too rough on the feet.

3. BENEFIT: There is no real need for music.  The sound of the waves is motivating enough, plus the view of babes in beach outfits is always a plus.

4. BENEFIT: after a barefoot beach run, your knees and ankles feel a bit stronger and less impacted.  A Griffith University (Queensland, Australia) study concluded that landing on soft sand increases the “collision” time, or the time during which the foot sinks into the sand, and therefore reduces the overall stress of pounding on the lower extremities.

5. DANGER: Because your running along the seashore, there is usually some sort of incline leading away from the waves.  Running significant distances with one leg landing higher on the slope than the other is an easy way to injury yourself because it leads to muscular imbalances.  So check out your seashore slants!

CONCLUSION:  We love running barefoot on the beach.  Just make sure you check your sand, the incline and hit the road every once in a while.


Oakley Progression Sessions – Loon Mountain

Oakley’s Progression Sessions hit their last stop this past weekend at Loon Mountain.  Ending where it all started, the Loon group of riders, coaches and staff park ended the four stop all-girls snowboard camp with a bang.  I felt so lucky to be apart of this amazing experience, and thanks to Loon, Jenny Earnshaw, Kirsten Beninato, and the coaches: Mary Walsh, Marie-France Roy, Lauren Perkins, Gretchen Bleiler, Ellery Hollingsworth, Christine Savage, Chanelle Sladics, Silvia Mittermüller, and Kristi Leskinen.

Morning yoga with 80 girls!  They rocked it and we had so much fun.

Head Coach Mary Walsh and her crew of shredders

The park set up was so much fun with the soft snow, and coach Lauren Perkins showing the girls the skills.

With Spring riding conditions, we even had a snowcone machine! ZICO coconut water snowcones anyone?

Oyster shots with Coach Ellery Hollingsworth..love her!

Final dinner with coaches and crew!  Wish that this pictures could have turned out better, but thanks to each and every one of you for such an amazing event.

Cheers to next year!


Lacey Calvert

Oakley Progression Sessions – Mammoth

This weekend, I had the opportunity to go check out Oakley‘s Progression Sessions at their 3rd stop – Mammoth Mountain.  This two-day all girls (and all ages!) camp allowed some rad skiiers and boarders to come out and increase their skills, plus experience a true Oakley event.  A inspiring, personal growth weekend full of weather, smiles, swag, new friends, goggle bars and dance-offs.  Fighting the storm to get to Mammoth was rough, but once we all woke up to snow coming down at 3 inches per hour, we were stoked to go shred the new powder.

I was there to teach our morning yoga classes to the ladies.  Check out some photos from our stretching session before we hit the mountain:



After the stretch, we spent ALL DAY on the mountain.  I am used to snowboarding with all dudes, so I was stoked to be out there with all women! Watching these girls from all over the world snowboarding/skiing together was such an inspirational, and super cool experience.  Thanks to the coaches Dominique Vallee, Marie-France Roy, Chanelle Sladics, Helene Olafsen, Kristi Leskinen, Lauren Perkins, Christine Savage, and Mary Walsh.  Even Greta Eliassen came out post-surgery on her knee with a bright smile and support!



“You Got Skills” winner Sarah Dibblee…she had skills on and off of the mountain.  A true Oakley Woman.


Yoga on Snowboards–TRUE SNOWGA!


Myself and Oakley Ambassador, Katie Modisett


We are all proud to say, we CAN shred with girls.

Check out the video from the weekend too!

Whats next?  Our last stop, at Loon Mountain.  See you ladies there!


Lacey Calvert

Music Monday: Lacey’s Hour Flow Mix

Need some musical inspiration for your studio or at-home yoga practice!? Try out some of these tunes that Lacey Calvert uses in her Vinyasa Flow classes at Core Power Berkeley!
Ain’t No Sunshine –Ziggy Marley
Your Hand in Mine – Explosions in the Sky
Eastern Glow –The Album Leaf
Ticks of the Clock – The Chromatics
Come Together- The Beatles
Albatross – Fleetwood Mac
First Breath after Coma- Explosions in the Sky
A Real Hero- College
The Winner Is – From Little Miss Sunshine Soundtrack
Turning Page (Instrumental) – Sleeping at Last
Wonderwall- Ryan Adams
Savasana- Josh Brill
 Check out more music suggestions here & here to add to your yogi playlist!
Happy Monday & Namaste Yogis!

Yoga for Runners with Lacey Calvert

Check out California Yoga Sport‘s latest Webisode on Yoga For Runners!

After long or spring training runs the body needs to strrreeeetch out. The above video walks you through trainer, Lacey Calvert’s, yoga demonstrations & posture suggestions to relieve pain & tension in overused running muscles. Yoga is a great way to help reduce the after run burn you experience, stretch out tense muscle groups, and will definitely add balance to your heavy cardio regimen.

Find out more how Yoga can help your running in this Runner’s World Article, Running and Yoga go Hand-in-Hand.

Want to see more?! Subscribe to calyogasport’s youtube channel.

Also, be sure to tell us what videos you’d like to see more of to help with your athletic training needs! Triathlete, cyclist, surfer, snowboarder… you name it & we’ll be sure to give you some fool proof yoga plans to help balance your body out!

“I Love Lists Friday”: CYS #TGIF Weekly Favorites

Just because its Friday… and who doesn’t love a short, to the point, list of things to think about, try, check out, or discover!

California Yoga Sport’s

Friday List

1. Check out Oakley Women’s Brands newest Spring 2012 Swimsuit line! Get excited about the warm weather just a few (fingers crossed) months away & start picking out your activewear suits to hit the surf with!

2. Make an Oh She Glows Kale Salad, Cilantro Lime Quinoa Salad, or one of our other delicious recipes we’ve posted about before!

3. Go on a hike! This weekend we’re heading to Point Reyes to hike Alamere Falls! Get back in touch with nature.. and since its chilly outside remember to wear layers!!!

4. Shop at the Farmers Market. Get out of your routine of shopping down an aisle & hit up the fresh farmers & vendors at your local farmers market.

5. Listen to ‘GotyePandora Radio Station. Will definitely be a nice change of pace from your usual musical tastes.

6. Read the Newspaper. Step away from the computer & grab that traditional pile of journalism at your local coffee shop & indulge in some black & white reading.

7. Write down your goals. Yes, we all have laundry lists in our heads, but the act of writing it down puts a new pressure on considering your goals & how you will achieve them. Come up with an action plan to help get started & maintain the struggle towards your goals when the going gets tough. You can skip figuring out the exit strategy because you won’t need it 😉

8. Do the one exercise you least enjoy. Whether you dislike running & prefer to sit on a bike for hours, get off the saddle & go for a run. Resisting the urge to go to your comfort zone in training is the best way to jazz up and spike your training performance. Don’t ask questions, don’t talk yourself out of it, just do the one thing you want to do the least.

9. Don’t watch the clock. Allow your weekend to be schedule free as possible. Your work week can be busy & planned out, but give your mind & body a break from following a schedule for two full days.

10. Indulge in some Spring Cleaning. Yes, its only February, but who doesn’t like getting a jump start on things. Clean out that closet of old sneakers, mix matched socks, and collect all of those old magazines that have been piling up on your coffee table. Keep your personal space and home clutter free allowing more space for your mind to focus on other important things such as your training schedule, personal life, or taxes-ahhh!! Grab the broom & get to it!

Enjoy your healthy & active weekend! #TGIF

GrindTV Blog’s Interview with Lacey Calvert: Stretch to Shred

Check out GrindTV‘s interview with California Yoga Sport trainer, Lacey Calvert, and learn about how she got into yoga, her inspiration to start athletic training, & where she would want to spend the rest of her days practicing yoga… hint: its somewhere in Central America.

Professional Snowboarder, Shayne Pospisil, in Eagle pose during Lacey's yoga class held at Mimi's Cookie Bar

Here are some snippets of the GrindTV Blog article:

What steps did you take to get to where you are today? How did you get involved with Oakley?

It seems like with all my hard work and by following my heart, everything just keeps falling into place. I started my career post-college as an elementary school teacher and after a few years working in LA Unified, I realized that career path wasn’t for me. I began practicing yoga, and it became my true passion. Then, I had a friend ask me to teach yoga for some pro surfers in HB, and realized that my love for action sports and yoga could turn into a career. Word spread; I got more clients, branched out into snow, football, baseball and BMX.

California Yoga Sport was born after I saw how yoga can benefit these professional athletes. From there, I worked my butt off to get sponsors like Oakley Women and ZICO coconut water. I think when what you do and who you are represents a brand naturally, then opportunities like Oakley Women comes along. The brand represents myself as a female athlete and strong person, with some sweet shades.

What was behind your core idea of yoga specific for action sports athletes?

Because I grew up riding a board on snow and land, I can see how beneficial yoga can be for someone in this career. I make sure that whatever sport my client is involved in, I have tried before. That way I can feel what muscles in the body are used. Yoga allows lengthening and strengthening in the targeted muscles, and overall make you a stronger, better athlete.

What would you suggest to riders that want to get involved with yoga in their local spot? Just get a hold of one of your videos?
Definitely! I am in the process of making more videos to put online for riders to download, and while on the road this is great to keep in shape and cross train. But in the meantime, I suggest everyone to just go out and try all the different styles of yoga there is. Find one that feels good for you, and keep it up.

Lacey leading a donation yoga class at Mimi's Cookie Bar in Mammoth Lakes, California

Thank you GrindTV for the interview & great adventure in Mammoth Lakes, California! Also huge thanks to Mimi’s Cookie Bar for hosting such a great yoga class with world class athletes & professional snowboarders!

Want to learn more?! Feel free to get in touch with us!

Set Your Vision Straight for the New Year: CYS 2012 Goal Setting Strategies

It’s that time of year again when the New Years Resolution lists start. You may find yourself contemplating the same goals & resolutions as last year that you gave up on come February as the promise of a fresh start had worn off (SSDY- same sh*t, different year). Some may detest these lists since you very well could be an individual that aims to live out your goals every day. Whether you realize it or not these sometimes seemingly trivial tasks of setting large and small goals for yourself in each facet of your life may end up serving you well upon the beginning of a new set of 365 days to improve, strive to new heights, & enhance your life.

California Yoga Sport has some tricks of their own when it comes to setting new goals & creating a growing vision for both our personal as well as professional lives. CYS trainer & Oakley Women’s Ambassador, Lacey Calvert, has shared some of her personal pages of her “2012 Vision Book”  to show you just how inspirational & ambitious one can be with creating a clear idea of how to set goals, strive for new adventure, & achieve the success you desire through focused intentions.

First, find or buy a book that you can fill the blank pages with notes, pictures, quotes, inspirational scraps, etc.. to add to your visual representation of the things you either want to continue in your life, things you’d like to begin, learn about, or add to your present reality.

This book will be something we suggest you revisit & add to often, whether it be daily, weekly, or monthly. This process will help you remember those goals you set out for yourself as well as stimulate new ideas on how to achieve those things on your New Years Resolution list. Your vision book will represent both your current & future reality.




As you start to think about the New Year you may want to include things you want to learn .. like for instance learning how to cook or more specifically how to cook vegetarian or vegan. Lacey has added recipe ideas & anecdotes to keep her inspired about what she intends to gain from this experience of cooking, whether it be improving your nutrition or learning a new skill. Be sure to keep goals more specific, such as I want to learn 1 new recipe a week, which is more effective & achievable when goal setting versus a more general goal of aiming toEat healthier” in 2012.

It is also important to have professional milestones in mind along with your fitness, health, & personal goals. Having a clear vision in your workplace of how to enhance your skills, your job role, or your progression in your career will help you from becoming stagnant or unhappy in your 9-5. Revisiting your career path and always looking at the next steps is something that will serve you well for both your health & work/life balance, allowing you to put more energy towards the things that you love which hopefully include your job.

Another one of CYS’s favorite ideas for the New Year is a Bucketlist, in addition to or rather than a New Years Resolution List. When you set concrete goals or action items you are more likely to follow through because you are clear on what it takes to get you there. Here is Lacey’s 2010 Bucketlist. Just look at what you can accomplish in just one year! Hopefully this inspires some ideas about what you feel you have been missing out on. Some suggestions are to put at least one bucketlist item for each of the following: 1. Something that you have always wanted to try, 2. Something that scares you or that you fear, 3. Something that incorporates building a new skill, 4. Something that benefits others, 5. Something that you have to work hard for. Keep it realistic, but also look at new ways to challenge yourself in this new year & push yourself out of your comfort zone.

Make 2012 Your Year!

We hope that this will inspire you to create a Vision Book of your own & tackle those goals, skills, & things you have been putting off. Pictures and visual representation of the lifestyle & things you wish to incorporate more of in your life is a truly effective method to bringing those new experiences into being. Curious about more of our goals & action items for 2012, feel free to contact us or Lacey for more ideas or inspiration!

Enjoy your last week in 2011 & embrace the promise of a great 2012 ahead of you!